Monday, March 4, 2013

Eternal Beauty of Human Spontaneity!

Nowadays, in the entire world, none of the clever and scheming techniques are as effective as they once were. Shrewd minds have become stagnant. Still, there is an illusion that ‘cleverness' is working. But what we are witnessing now is the frustration of cleverness that is in manifestation. In reality, 'cleverness' is on the demise. The age of spontaneity is about to begin. Nature has already turned the wheels of history in that direction. The future belongs to non-calculative spontaneous people.

The Root
Where there is love, there is spontaneity
Where there is enjoyment, there is spontaneity
Where there is humor, there is spontaneity
Where there is fun, there is spontaneity

Where there is spontaneity, there is intelligence
Where there is intelligence, there is excellence
Where there is excellence, there is invention
Where there is invention, there is learning


Where there is learning there is actual flowering of goodness

Ask yourself, "Are you enjoying life as a whole? If you are enjoying, then it is an invention. If not, then it is stagnation. Without compromising the Truth if you love everyone and everything in this universe, then the very spontaneity is yours as an everlasting wealth. Otherwise, this spiritual spontaneity will emerge fleetingly and disappear".

What is love?

Nowadays, all over the world each human being is eloquent on love, but what is love?

In this mortal world, all descriptions of love are relative. Almost all our relationships are nothing but charades emanating from identity crisis. True love, in contrast, is not associated with the finite sensations of identity at all. The day when human beings truly understand the inner essence of love, there will be universal flowering of goodness. Love is divine and selfless. It is the spiritual nectar of the universal mind.

Nature's Message to Honest Women!

Women are the one and the only source of order in the world at large. In the approaching days, they will emerge as the most energetic spiritual voice of the 21st century. Vivekananda says, "There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of woman is improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly only on one wing."

All over the world women should take charge and become leaders. They must break away from the clutches of the male dominated world to the glory of humanity. Only women can evolve this earth and uplift it to the height of heaven.

Space-Time limitation of the Static Enlightenment!

There is a basic difference between the static philosophy and moving philosophy, static God and moving God, static science and moving science, static tradition and moving tradition. One of the spiritual persons Basavanna once said, “There is destruction for what stands but not for that which moves”.​
Whenever nature gives birth to new wonders in the world, be it in science, religion, tradition, or in something else it represents a moving character. Nevertheless, this moving character will not last for a long time because of our own static way of thinking. Whenever new research emerged in the history of humanity, it has maintained moving character in the beginning, but slowly it has lost the beauty of the moving character because of the orthodox interaction of our own finite mind. Nevertheless, the transformation of moving character to static character occurs only in human mind, not in nature.​

Anger is Divine!

Anger has two roots. One is selfish concern and the other is universal concern. The anger that has originated from a selfish concern generates hatred, ego, envy, grudge and so on. In contrast, the anger that has originated from a universal concern is completely free from hatred, envy and ego.

The Selfish anger propagates itself with the help of clever and calculated behaviour pattern. On the contrary, the universal anger is a spontaneous outcome of the dedicated universal concern. A person with universal anger will never think twice to sacrifice anything, even the physical body, for the betterment of the world. On the contrary, the person with selfish anger will never sacrifice the physical body or its desire. Selfish anger is girdled with the highest calculated behaviour pattern of heavenly or material desire.